Event Management

Redmond Communications  Events

Event Management 

Planning an event and don’t know where to start? We offer a bespoke service whereby we can organise your event or meeting for you or assist you in the process.

With many so many venues to choose from we can assist by recommending those that deliver your specific requirements. We can save you time to let you get on with your day job. We specialise in conference management and corporate events.

We can work with you to organise client evenings to offer your clients an opportunity to network whilst you thank them for their business. Client reward evenings are a very important part of keeping in touch with and getting to know your clients. Sometimes a lunch event works well if your clients are local to your area.  We offer solutions to fit in with your specific industry.

We can organise – Invitation sending, Venue selection, Menu selection, Budgets and suitable entertainment.

Got an idea? Give us a call and we can brainstorm with you to gain a clear plan of what you need. We also work with other suppliers in the industry with a wide range of services and expertise.